Submission Guidelines - The Beat Studies Association
Articles that are deemed appropriate are sent for review anonymously to a member of the Editorial Board and at least one other reader. Manuscripts should not be under consideration elsewhere, and we do not publish previously published work. It is strongly advised that those submitting work to JBS be familiar with the journal’s content. Among criteria on which evaluation of submissions depends are whether an article demonstrates recognition of and thorough familiarity with scholarship already published in the field, whether the article is written clearly and effectively, and whether it makes a genuine contribution to Beat studies.
Preparation of Copy
- Articles are typically between 25 and 30 pages, and do not exceed 9000 words, including notes and works cited. Inquiries about significantly shorter or longer submissions should be sent to the Editors.
- A separate page should include the article’s title, author’s name, address, and e-mail address. The author’s name and identifying references should not appear on the manuscript to preserve anonymity for our readers.
- All submissions must include an abstract of no more than 250 words.
- The manuscript should be in Times New Roman 12, double-spaced, and should adhere to the most recent MLA style.
- Submissions may be sent by email as Word documents to Editors Ronna C. Johnson ( and Matt Theado (
- Authors of accepted manuscripts are responsible for any necessary permissions fees and for securing any necessary permissions.
All editorial, review, and advertising inquiries should be addressed to or
Inquiries concerning orders should be addressed to